
                                       MISSION STATEMENT                                         

The mission of the Woodbury Public Library is to provide quality resources and innovative services to inspire creativity, intellectual curiosity, and lifelong learning and a place to gather and connect within our community.

Adopted by the Woodbury Library Board of Trustees



Although libraries have been serving the residents of the Town of Woodbury for over one hundred years, the Library’s current name has a shorter history.

On January 15, 1993, the Woodbury Public Library came into existence as the charter of the Rushmore Memorial Public Library in Highland Mills was amended to become the charter of the Woodbury Public Library, while the charter of the Central Valley Free Library was dissolved, and all library properties were transferred to the Woodbury Public Library. 

Library service in the Town of Woodbury began a new era and the newly unified Board of Trustees once again dedicated themselves to meeting the needs of the residents of the Town of Woodbury.  A full range of library services and programs are provided through the two branches: The Rushmore Memorial Branch in Highland Mills, and the Ida Cornell Branch in Central Valley.

Today, we have a grand total of holdings exceeding 130,000 items, and serve a population of over 11,000.