The Woodbury Public Library is committed to serving the residents of the Woodbury community by providing the resources and services for residents of all ages to learn, grow, and thrive. This plan outlines the current goals of the library to further its mission. The goals were developed with community, staff, and trustee input, specifically a patron survey from the summer of 2021 which was available in print at the Circulation Desk at both branches and on the library website, a patron survey focused on the library buildings in 2023, staff suggestions and knowledge, and trustee vision.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Woodbury Public Library is to provide quality resources and innovative services to inspire creativity, intellectual curiosity, and lifelong learning and a place to gather and connect within our community for all abilities.
The goals have been broken down into three categories: Services, Access, and Facilities. Within each goal are the actions needed to work towards the goal within the five-year time frame. Progress will be evaluated every six months with check-ins on a more frequent basis as required.
- Increase community awareness and outreach
- Develop a newsletter available in print and online
- Continue a strong social media presence
- Support staff time for outreach
- Maintain and grow partnerships with community organizations
- Assist the newly created Friends group with their mission
- Promote open communication and dialogue between the library and the community
- Increase public surveys
- Enhance current program offerings for all ages
- Increase staff time for programming
- Coordinate themes and series across age groups
- Increase inter-generational programming
- Increase program topic diversity
- Increase accessibility of programming
- Increase staff time for programming
- Improve and expand upon digital resources and technology
- Increase staff time for technology help and programs
- Promote use and awareness of library digital resources
- Evaluate the library’s digital offerings for use and relevance
- Encourage staff professional growth
- Establish a schedule of staff meetings that will incorporate professional development
- Create additional opportunities for staff to develop and contribute
- Offer opportunities for staff to attend workshops and training
- Create a system of evaluation for library staff
I. Create an updated, visually appealing, easy-to-navigate website
a. Increase website accessibility
II. Evaluate library facilities and services for accessibility to all community members
- Review operating hours for community and program needs
- Evaluate collection placement and shelving for accessibility
- Build a calendar of anticipated building maintenance
- Review existing service contracts
- Expand Central Valley Branch in line with community needs
- Incorporate forward-thinking, innovative design and display ideas
- Develop plan for funding capital improvements