Residents may apply for a library card at both the Rushmore Memorial Branch and the Ida Cornell Branch.
A Woodbury Public Library (WPL) Card is available to all residents of addresses that pay taxes to the Town of Woodbury which includes the Village of Woodbury, the Hamlets of Central Valley and Highland Mills, and parts of the Town of Monroe and Village of Harriman.
Adult Cards
An adult resident (18 or older) is required to provide identification and proof of residency in order to obtain a Woodbury Public Library card. In determining acceptable identification WPL follows Ramapo-Catskill Library System’s ANSER Policy:
“Acceptable forms of personal identification for a library card conferring Direct Access privileges: Current New York State driver’s license, or current photo-identification card issued by NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles, or other current photo-identification card that contains the individual’s name and current home address, or other current photo-identification card that contains the individual’s name and a recent piece of mail (such as a utility or telephone bill) that shows the individual’s name and current home address. (A college dormitory is not considered a resident home address.) (Post Office Box is not accepted.)” ANSER Policy last updated 6-15-17.
Juvenile Cards
Children are eligible for a library card at the age of five or upon entering Kindergarten. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (someone who lives with the child at least part of the time and is willing to take responsibility for the applicant) to obtain a library card. The child’s parent or guardian must provide identification in accordance with the above ANSER Policy. Please note: in keeping with the principles of equal access to information and materials to all patrons it is the policy of the library not to act in loco parentis. Guidance in the selection of materials is at the discretion of a child’s parent or guardian.
For additional information about obtaining a WPL Library Card please see our Circulation Policy available on our Policy Page or call the library for more information. (845) 928-6162 – (HML) OR (845) 928-2114 – (CVL)